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Old 09-20-2012, 05:16 PM   #244 (permalink)
Coroplast Engineer
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Location: suburban Chicago
Posts: 80

AV - '04 Chevy Aveo sedan - not LS
90 day: 34.28 mpg (US)

Jolteon - '00 Honda Insight MT
Team Honda
90 day: 77.25 mpg (US)
Thanks: 27
Thanked 25 Times in 11 Posts
Just added my first four fillups with my new Insight to the garage. My main goal was to get to Michigan and back on less than one tank (10.6 gallons) and I did it!

888 miles, 10.514 gallons, 84.46 mpg

It's funny how if we switched to % over EPA, the Insights (except for 3-wheeler's) would be hurting the percentage while most of the Civics would be helping. It's kind of a flip-flop from doing it based on mpg. Oh well, it's all for fun anyways.
Originally Posted by Tango Charlie
You know how when you buy a car, and then you start noticing how many others there are on the road? Yeah, that doesn't happen with a 1st gen Insight.

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