Originally Posted by turbovr41991
Also interesting to know about the 2 mile reset after EOC.
I had another really good stretch of lean burn today for about 10 miles at a slightly uphill grade. Stayed between 65 and 71 mph while in lean burn (2200 -2400 rpm)
I really need an MPGiuno. Scan gauge's MPG stats are too inaccurate for lean burn. I think my trip average was 48mpg, but is obviously much higher due to not courting lean burn.
Anyone have the input numbers for an MPGiuno on a Civic HX? You have one right Bruce? What kind of instant mpg numbers do you who in lean burn at various speeds on flat terrain?
Good that you're having some success with lean burn. Should get better with time and experience.
Yes you need an MPGuino. Under the instrumentation forum see the MPGuino subforum. There's a thread "Show off your installation". California 98Civic and others have nice installations visible. Cali's might be in its own thread.
Yes I'll get you the Guino settings but your speed sensor calibration # will be different due to your taller gear set. :-) Fine tune it using a GPS. My injector calibration should be very close for your car. Will send later.