I did a little more work on the truck flat cover today.
I started off by trying to clean up the side edges of the cover.
I ran some string from a screw on the front to one on the back, to make a straight line, and then marked it with a black permanent marker.
I used my Ninja Anti-Zombie Scythe (I have no idea what this tool really is, I found it for a dollar at the thrift store, and it's great!) to slice the edge off on an angle in a fairly straight line.
SLICING styrofoam is SO much better than CUTTING because it creates ZERO sawdust. Styrofoam sawdust is so nasty, has horrible static cling, and gets everywhere. But to slice, you need a really sharp blade, and most people don't have foot-long razor blades. This tool comes in pretty close though.
After slicing the edge, I sanded it a bit with a cheap orbital sander hooked up to my shop-vac.
Next, I flipped the cover over and routed out depressions matching the size and shape of the magnets. I misted water into the foam with a spray bottle, squeezed in some Gorilla Glue, and pushed in the magnets. The face of the magnets are flush with the foam, so the magnet will be directly on the metal of the truck bed when the cover is set on top.
The sticky foam glue is curing now. Slowly curing....