Originally Posted by turbovr41991
I guess it has been a while since I updated. I got sick of the picky lean burn and went to a tuned ECU. Mid 50's is effortless in 5th gear. It is sweet. Toss in some hypermiling and I can easily get mid 60's to a tank. Best 10 mile run was 85+ where my previous best was 75 mpg. Best full trip to work was 75 mpg where my previous best was still in the 67. This was far from a perfect run, so I am thinking there is alot more potential too.
Also, got a "tunerview 2" to replace the OBD2 scan gauge. I displays 8 things instead of just 4. Preaty sweet along side an MPGuino. It even matches! (now I just need a bigger MPGuino display....)

Nice concept. And the color match on the gauges is way cool. Maybe your dash was configured slightly differently than mine, but couldn't you have used the blank spot above the cup holders for these gauges? That would allow you to keep the radio, or maybe move the radio down to the blank so you can have better view of the gauges and still have the radio. But maybe your dash is different. I know there were a few slightly different designs.
But I love having the radio, though I wanted less weight and power consumption, so here is what I did. My ultra gauge sits on the steering column in front of the OEM gauge cluster. I took my 6 CD changer out of the trunk, with its metal cage, totaling 7 lbs. Created an "aux" input for my old iPod shuffle that goes through the old cig lighter spot. And I don't use the back speakers, which I think saves power. I moved the antenna out of the aero stream outside and set it up securely across the dash. Not as good reception as outside, but better than nothing.