Haha! Yeah, I think P&G only works for stuff with more weight and better airflow than bicycles. Maybe that`s why I haven`t ever gotten into it! Have never played with fairings either, but I know that a few people do put them on upright bikes (a lot of people put them on recumbents). Since there aren`t any commercial applications for uprights, you`ll have to do a lot of figuring out and adapting in order to mount one. Used fairings are usually available from Angletech. Not many for sale at the moment, but a few- scroll way down to the bottom:
Angle Tech Cycles - Cycle Different - Adaptive Cycling
And remember that it doesn`t necessarilly have to be transparent unless you cover up your view area, so Coroplast might be your ticket.
Grant`s picture isn`t showing up for me

Maybe it`ll come up on my computer at work.