Hey everybody,
i've been MIA from this forum for about a year, but i've still been waving the "ecomodding flag."
I've finally saved up enough money to buy my dream car 2013 World Rally Blue Subaru STi.
However, it's time to retire my old ecomodding project "AeroSol.
I know the STi is not known for MPG, but im always up for a challenge. Future eco mods include Scangauge II and weight savings. EPA estimates are 17 city and 23 highway with 20mpg combined. Long as i can AVERAGE 22-23 COMBINED mpg...i'll be happy.
I dont see many STi's on here, therefore, once i get a scanguage II, i plan on starting an "STI log" to document the effects of mpg based on the following:
1) base mpg (this will be really fun
2) folding in side mirrors
3) mpg in "intelligent vs Sport mode vs Sport# mode"
4) does the adjustable Center Diffrential have an impact on mpg?
5) anything else i can think of
Hopefully this will be a useful reference for the tens of Sti owners out there wanting to get good MPG>
Anywho, i just wanted to show the new whip