Originally Posted by jedi_sol
wow! i've noticed your last 3 tanks have jumped up to 37-39mpg...in a ROUCHE MUSTANG!
What do you think was the biggest contributor to your gains? kill switch?
it'll be interesting to see your mpg gains with the lower grill block installed.
Actually, the lower grille block was installed on
Lower grille block-2013/05/11;
Swapping Single Piece Air Dam for New Two Piece-2013/06/01;
Full Underbody-2013/06/05;
I got off my butt and did the lower after I was pulled over for not having a front tag, OSP gave me a letter so I could get out of it for a while, but they said they have to crack down more. So, I "adjusted" my plate to stay in the center. I am not doing images yet because my plate number is on it, but it will be visible soon.
Kill switch nets me 3-5, I am going with. It is WAY more useful in the warm air. I use it more sparingly, so if I can not coast a decent distance, I do not use it- I also speed carefully- 4 over in 45 mph or less, and 8 over in 55 mph or more, so my pulse and glide is rarely used, more so with hills- I am also very attentive of traffic, so if there are a lot of cars, or potential issues, I don't use it. In winter, the coast distances are considerably less.
This current tank, is the nicest tank I have ever driven. I have only revved my engine at three or four Camaros or challengers, and only 100% throttle zero to 70 redlined once.
It's amazing how easy 30 mpg was w/o a kill switch and having loud exhaust/fast accelerating, and how extremely difficult 40 mpg is with being very careful lol.
I guess kill switch is most of it, but its in combination with the warm weather improving my coasts- and less fuel needed to get up to speed to get to other coasts. I also have spent less time on the highway lately, and 70 mph WRECKS my fuel economy. As Ford proved, she loves the 40-50 mph range.