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Old 07-01-2013, 08:14 PM   #20 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by t vago View Post
I didn't see in the article anything about it being cheap compared to alternatives. Nor did I see anything that said the production volume would be anywhere near what we currently consume. I did see that Steinfeld estimated that 'by 2020 we should be able to witness the first industrial solar fuel plants coming into operation.' I would take that with a grain of salt since scientists have a very poor track record estimating when (or if) something is going to be commercially viable. I'd be more inclined to guess 20 to 30 years before something like this can make a difference, and in the meantime, alternatives will continue to improve as well.

That's not to say it shouldn't be done... we ought to have as many alternatives to non-renewable fuels available as possible. Not everybody has to have an EV; in many cases, for many people, it wouldn't make sense. By the same token, not everyone has to have an ICE, nor does everyone have to have a hybrid. I don't even know why people argue so fiercely about it... there are definitely distinct advantages to EVs but they aren't (yet, and may never be) right for everyone.
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