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Old 07-05-2013, 09:13 PM   #117 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by oil pan 4 View Post
The only way to balance production and demand is by adding more production or mandating less demand.
Using a more efficient extention cord doesn't fix this problem.
Again, the smart grid has nothing to do with a "more efficient extension cord". It has to do with having a way to measure, in fine-grained detail (at least compared to pre-Smart Grid), the demand of the power grid so that the data is available to balance that grid in the most efficient way possible. Some of that includes the ability to control the consumption of power (especially with big customers as the article I linked above discussed) so that peak demands can be handled either without adding more production or by reducing the amount of production that must be added.

As Ryland and I have pointed out, residential customers can also participate (opt-in); in exchange they will receive a credit on their utility bill (as you say, they wouldn't do it for charity).

In order to manage the resources the power companies have in the best way possible, they must first be able to measure how it is being used and next they have to have a way to control it in the same fine-grained detail.

The whole Smart Meter debacle was blown far out of proportion, and the fault lies in part with the power companies themselves. The myths, misinformation, and general FUD about Smart Meters is just stunning. Your comment about being able to turn off the power... that has nothing specifically to do with Smart Meters! Whether you have one or not, the power company has the ability to turn off the power to your property.
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