Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard
... reduce CO2 emissions compared to ... ? Hummers? Bicycles? Didn't see any info on how they came up with that number. Also not clear on the "well-to-wheel" claim... does that mean they're including all the CO2 produced to mine, transport, and burn whatever fuel is being used to generate the electricity used by the EVs?
EDIT: Note that France generates over 75% of their electrical power using nuclear power (see
http://www.iea.org/stats/electricity...OUNTRY_CODE=FR)... So while France is one of the few countries where the electrical generation is relatively clean, that's obviously not true for all countries (that is, what works in France may not work anywhere else).
Also doesn't address the IEEE Spectrum article's claim that the total emissions produced by the manufacture, use, and reclamation of an EV (eg. "dust-to-dust") is about the same as the total emissions produced by a standard ICE vehicle. Or the claim that the EV auto manufacturers will naturally want favorable results since they are trying to sell their (Renault-Nissan) EVs.