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Old 09-16-2013, 02:28 PM   #193 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by racprops View Post
Come on you know what I mean..darn spell police, I go quietly Officer, Darn SPELL CHECKER...

AND just what is/are Tchotchkes??Can't you spell what you putting me down with?
Rich, I don't suppose you see the irony in those two comments?
- I would strongly recommend you take responsibility for your own spelling rather than depending (and blaming) a machine. Don't allow the machine to make you look like a fool.
- If you don't know what a word means, take the responsibility to look it up! Don't blame the person writing it for putting you down before you follow through on your own responsibility to learn what it means; that is just plain rude. And yes, it is spelled right.

Originally Posted by racprops View Post
And again any business that involves BUYING something and them trying to SELL it is not easy.
You are right; it is not easy. But compared to the hurdles you have described for creating a fuel savings device (OBDII, suppressors, the government, etc), reselling existing stuff is a walk in the park. If you know automotive stuff, then resell automotive stuff. If you know Ford stuff, then resell Ford stuff. Hundreds of thousands of people do it successfully. Don't blame the scammers for making it sound like you can make lots of money without any work... any reasonably intelligent person knows that's not true. It does take work, but it would be A LOT less work than what you are talking about tackling, with A LOT fewer challenges.

Originally Posted by racprops View Post
The first thing I learned is FIND a NEED that you personally have the skills and the tools to FILL.

As John Wayne used to say in a couple of his films, "A man has to know his limitations."

I know some of mine and of the world and what I can do.

This is something I might be able to do.
So stick with what you KNOW. You KNOW you can't fool the OBDII ECMs since they have so many controls. And you KNOW you can't sell something "honestly" that will screw up the emissions. And you KNOW that if you sell something that has the potential for screwing up the emissions, you'll have to certify that it doesn't. And THEN, after all that time and money spent, you KNOW you're going to have to restrict the profit. And the number of units you can sell, because you KNOW it's not just the profit... there must be a limit to the number of units you can sell before the suppressors come after you. Which means you CAN'T get into a deal with big company like Dutchman; your documented case with Ray and Dell proved that, right?

So with all these hurdles which completely stack the deck against you, why bother? There are thousands of other automotive related things that will get you much better return on your time and effort than this idea of a fuel savings device.