Originally Posted by Occasionally6
Anything that can use cellulose (even better with lignin) is potentially good because that is what makes up most of all terrestrial plants.
Yeast, consuming 6 Carbon sugars, are pretty much the best option at the moment, which, regardless of subsidies, is why that is the predominant biofuel.
So if we can make plants grow glucose instead of lignin that would change all.
We would no longer have to use food crop; any woodlike plant would do.
(gives a whole new meaning to Maple Syrup )
Once a plant has formed lignin it is pretty much useless as a biofuel source.
AFAIK there is no efficient way (yet) to obtain biofuel from delignification.
The Kraft process produces turpentine as a by-product, but apparently not efficiently enough to make it the primary reason for using that process.
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