Let's not have another pointless argument based on different perceptions of safety. Please? Thanks.
Originally Posted by nackerton
That was going to be my suggestion.
If cabin comfort is your goal, the block heater isn't going to change that very much. But an electric cabin heater will. Yes, the cabin starts to cool once you unplug and drive away (no idling), but the coolant is warming quickly as the cabin is cooling and they meet in the middle before it ever becomes uncomfortable.
Personally I like the strategy of wearing light clothing to drive, with heavier brought along just in case. Heating the coolant & the cabin (a hair dryer on 750w setting for 20 mins) works for me.
Sounds silly, but I drive more efficiently when I'm warm & comfy. When I'm cold, I must subconsciously want to burn more fuel to get the heat going.