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Old 07-03-2008, 07:42 AM   #19 (permalink)
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Greenblazer's Taco - '07 Toyota Tacoma PreRunner Double Cab SR5 V6 4.0Liter
90 day: 24.54 mpg (US)
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I have noticed that my Hypermiling has a negative effect on Fuel Economy. Not my FE, but all those people in SUVs mashing their gas pedals to pass me while doing 55 in 55 zone because most of the drivers around here think that the minimum speed limit is 10 MPH over the posted limit, and if you aren't going at least 10 over then you are in the way. I have noticed lately a lot more people following my lead and driving 55. I think they are smart enough or old enough to remember that the old national limit of 55 was implemented to save gas. For the kids who aren't old enough to remember back in the old days the maximum limit in all states was 55MPH. I personally do not advocate lowering the limit back down to 55 because on long trips going that slow ads too much time to the drive.


Allan Greenblazer
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