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Old 01-20-2014, 04:34 PM   #50 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by sarguy01 View Post
One more question...can I use a momentary switch to activate a relay to kill the engine, then let go of the momentary switch?? Will coasting with the engine off but having the injectors powered give me any troubles??
Yes, that's fine and no it won't cause any problems. I do it all the time.

Note, you may need to hold the switch down (takes about 1-3 seconds for my car, depending on RPM) before the engine stops completely. If you stop interrupting the circuit before then, it will fire back up.

So far the only "trouble" I've had with my switch is that I tried to bump start it once and forgot to flip the switch back. It threw a code for a faulty crank sensor since the kill switch also kills that circuit. I forgot several times, only got the code once. I cleared the code and it's been fine ever since.
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