Originally Posted by gascort
Oh, of course, the rabbit is fine - I hammered the brakes and locked up all 4 tires (no abs). So much for the sensationalist "no power brakes = death!!!" I'm not sure if my grill block hit the bunny or not, but it ended up running forward in front of my car in the end.
Low grill block + nosedive due to braking = small pet cattleguard!! 
Same here, but with a deer. Full ABS stop with EOC. Bambi and everyone was fine. The airbags were even ready just in case!
Originally Posted by garys_1k
If someone was hyperdriving and involved in a fatality accident, what was posted by that person here could be used against them. Could involve some big money, maybe jail if it could be shown that negligence was involved. It's just the cautionary person in me that wants to warn people not to get too specific, that's all.
I have an OBD-II datalogger that pretty much just sits collecting dust (Davis CarChip E/X) since I hooked up the SG. It has an accident data capture program (with fore/aft g-meter). It also shows engine RPM, speed, and other parameters. I'm half-temped to hook it up in case the above-mentioned ever becomes an issue. I only EOC around 5% of the time or less, but I know what you mean.
The problem is splitting the OBD signal for both devices so they don't compete with one another. I'm sure there's a solution.