Hi Sjoerd,
It looks to me like you're doing a fair amount of urban/suburban driving. That means you're getting caught in a lot of stop-and-go traffic, jams, etc. So the first recommendation I have, and I'm sure you've already seen it elsewhere, is weight reduction.
Your little 106 - and that's right about the grille block, the first gen 106 is essentially a "bottom breather" getting all its cooling air from below the bumper - has a little bitty engine that has to work pretty hard to get back up to speed. So if you never carry more than a single passenger, maybe you could pull the back seat? And take the unnecessary stuff out of the boot? Stuff like that.
And then of course, getting back up to speed. If you don't have to get all the way back up to speed, you'll save a bit. If you can allow a bit of a gap to open but not quite enough to allow someone else to block you, you may be able to just keep a teeny bit of momentum going. It isn't much but every little bit helps.
If most of your driving is in and around the city - 2000km per month means you must get out on the highway at least once in a while - then your first and biggest results will come from improving your performance at low speeds: weight reduction and engine mods. Aerodynamic mods look great but are really at their best on the highway.
More than one guy here on ecomodder has completely removed his alternator belt (but they keep them in the car, just in case) and either charge up when parked, or keep the battery topped up with a solar panel. The alternator puts a fair amount of load on the engine, which you could certainly stand to set aside if at all possible in stop-and-go traffic. Also, I strongly suggest you convert your car to manual steering if that isn't already the case - that power steering pump is another significant parasitic loss which in your case is even bigger compared to the engine's modest output.
Lead or follow. Either is fine.