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Old 07-15-2014, 11:50 PM   #58 (permalink)
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Join Date: Apr 2014
Location: quad cities illinois/iowa border
Posts: 520

skidmark - super snail - '89 honda civic wagon WAGOVAN
Team "Old SKOOL"
90 day: 30.87 mpg (US)

Pituca - '19 Honda Insight Touring
90 day: 39.34 mpg (US)
Thanks: 185
Thanked 178 Times in 139 Posts
are you manual or auto?

the manual ones stick sometimes - an easy check that might free it up is to put the 2 wires directly to the battery - you should hear it click when 12v are applied. if you get that, hit it with brake kleen and good.

the automatic ones, you almost have to take it apart and make sure that the "barrel type cylinder" can flop around inside there. the automatic ones are spun by electromagnetic force, I believe and they really have to be able to flop open and closed. it will take brake kleen to get this style to spin...

but with the automatic ones, you have to physically spin the air mixing valve thigie in there, they get buggered up with crap over time and will end up "jumping " from one extreme to another, rather than modulating the air bypassed at the thottle body.

not unlike how the manual ones get stuck. the trick in the manual one about putting direct batery voltage thru is is that you give it more power to " muscle " past the crap that's blocking it ( versus all the power lost at electrical connectors, relays, etc...) once it clicks, spray away and enjoy your smooth idle!!!!

Last edited by vrmouseyd15b; 07-16-2014 at 12:11 AM..
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