Originally Posted by California98Civic
Any chance for ABA testing? Maybe a coast down test? I'd hate for all the other variables like wind and temp and subtle throttling differences to create the bummer effect for you. The project is so good. A coast down test wouldn't consume a lot of fuel either.
I have to find some relatively flat section of road around here. Luckily, this area does have some decently flat roads (near Amana, IA). Hopefully, I can do a few coastdown runs this upcoming weekend.
Originally Posted by NeilBlanchard
Another query: are you going to try tuft testing?
Yah, at some point, I want to film a tuft test session. I am also interested in what the airflow patterns look like.
Originally Posted by aerohead
For all the driving,do we have a baseline mpg for this speed?
We'll need some similar trips with the 'naked' truck to questimate the new performance.
From the old 1963 GM Labs relationship we'd figure about a 5.5% mpg increase per 10% drag reduction in this speed range.
Unfortunately, no. Since I had the previous aerocap installed, the truck has gathered a good amount of mileage (needs a tuneup), the A/C compressor failed (possible extra parasitic drag), the P/S pump is dying (more possible extra parasitic drag), the EVAP purge switch failed (Check-Engine-Light lit), and my mother-in-law smacked the front left fender of the truck into a telephone pole (front aero changed).
However, this weekend should hopefully give me some good A/B data.