05-25-2006, 09:28 Pm
Update o' the day:
Spent another hour today working with ForkenSwift co-conspirator Ivan, getting the red car ready for its drive-trainectomy.
Axles removed. Piece of cake! I was fearing a stuck axle, as I once experienced when trying to change an alternator in my '89 Accord - yes, that's right: axle removal required for that job. (What were those engineers smoking...)
Doing this work raised a niggling doubt in my mind again about the ability to fit the big Baker drive motor into this car. I've been concerned about its length previously, but its, um, girth may be just as big a problem.
I hadn't looked at the drive shaft area before, and there doesn't seem to be much distance between the centerline of the input shaft and the axle. We're going to need a minimum of 6 inches separation there (motor is about 12 in. dia.), and my eyeball tape measure is set to "pessimistic". Hopefully the EBTM is also unreliable. (I do have a bad habit of jumping to negative conclusions when faced with mechanical uncertainty.)
But - no turning back now.
Also, separated/cut all other connections to the drive train, and loosened the mounting bolts, so the unit is mere minutes from independence when we get back at it on the weekend.
Pics of the dessicated Swift coming in a day or so. I do love disassembling/wrecking things.