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Old 08-17-2014, 01:06 AM   #41 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by xntrx View Post
You can't get 4" just from springs. You'll hit the a-arms at 3.5, the tie rods at 4.5". If I get some time I'll dump the air out of the bags and show you what 4 looks like (I'm currently at +1 because of the roads around here).

You're much better off fixing the airflow issues underneath than blocking the air. No clearance issues, and it'll be quieter. Take the extra few hours and do a pan.
Probably won't hit the a arms, they're not stock and are set up for low. Agreed It's Probably not a full 4" but it's more than just springs. just too bad I didn't know how to measure my height, or at least measure it a couple different ways before slamming it.

Either way, it's a hell of a lot lower now, and I would love to see pictures of how high and low you can go with your bags, sounds awesome!


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