First off, this mod is a bit of a copy of redneck's mod (he used a bike brake handle) - check it out here:
I really like the simplicity and execution, but I wanted to be able to hold a throttle position on the highway and get sick mpg's!
Donkeycrx's setup is freakin' art and bulletproof, but the same thing, no cruise
Here's my take on the "hand throttle mod"
I found this throttle control kit at farm and fleet for about $11

ARNOLD P/N: 490-230-0001
the pink circle is the part I modified and cut apart to make my "cable holder".
The one on the left is my hand throttle (had to adjust the tightness at the center bolt for my"cruise")
Started out at the pedal just like redneck (ignore the factory cruise bronze looking deal) the business is at the top.
drilled a hole in the pedal (still no different)
This is where I went off on my own..
Got a shifter cable for a bike (with nubs on both ends) and cut it to approximate length. I didn't like the solid cable that came with the kit, because it would resist me over-riding by pushing the throttle with my foot.
I put heat-shrink tubing (my 2 smallest sizes-double encasing the cable to prevent fraying) over the cable at the end where it would go thru the gas pedal, and a single layer over the cut end (so it won't separate during install)
this is my "chopped and screwed" second throttle control that came in the kit - I'm only using it to hold the cable here - waste not want not. One screw in the factory hole for the lower console mount, one bolt thru the mount so it won't wiggle
you can see here how a solid cable would be an issue if you needed to push the gas with your foot - the bike cable will just give and slack out of the way:
and, finally, my hand throttle! (also bolted to the lower console)