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Old 12-06-2014, 11:16 PM   #12 (permalink)
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As far as the "lean burn" block, I believe it's all about the depth of the piston's "dishes".

I have a d15z1 intake and EGR valve and a new gasket for it as well. that came off the motor from another project I'm working on : ) $25 Is all I need for both, don't know what shipping might cost?!?!

Let me take a few pictures, I'll post them up here, and you can make me an offer if interested!
Shipping to the OZ might be the hardest part. (I don't really need or want the mani or EGR valve)

as far as the lean burn without EGR, I do it, but my ECU is JDM 37820-p2j-j62, and as far as I can tell, it doesn't need it. the ecu does, however check for BOTH vtec solenoids on start up, and will throw a CEL without them both working.

now I guess I've got to check out your other thread...


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