I was going to take Skiddy to work today. That was the plan, anyway. Skiddy wasn't ready to go to work just yet! I tried to take her, but this morning, the speedo crapped out on me again - it was making terrible noises and bouncing from 0-120 REALLY FAST
I had been getting CEL's since I first drove this car.
a code 17 - vechicle speed sensor and a code 6 - coolant temperature sensor
got the code 17! that one, I didn't go by the book as much as the other, but the previous owner stated that the speedo didn't work. I have already had the transmission apart, and verified that the vss gear is in fact in place inside the tranny, and not stripped out! it does turn freely (being driven by the pinon, and the plastic gears mesh nicely from the pinion speed gear to the VSS gear) Last night, I took the dash gauge apart and found the speedo cable wasn't even connected to the gauges!! I popped it back on and went around the block - succcess!
This is the speedo cable behind the dash:
and how it connects to the back of the gauge:
In fact, it only worked until I got to about 45mph this morning. then it started going crazy. I pulled over and popped the hood and pulled the speedo cable out of the tranny. I turned aound and got the minion, and went to work today

When I got home, I was determined to get to the bottom of this speedo issue once and for all! so I pulled the gauge cluster again, and took the speedo out of the gauge pod:

The book says to take a pencil and break the tip off, and use it to turn the speedo. Mine didn't want to turn with a little screwdriver! I sprayed all the little gears with lube and gave it a good push, and it started working again. then I was able to spin it with my broken pencil! Just for good measure, I got the drill out and put a few miles on the clock (about2.6 miles at 100mph - damn good drill

) no popping, noises or vibration, so good to go!
got the code 6! the FSM says that for a code 6 , get motor to operating temp (cooling fan cycles), ignition off, key on & check reistance on the 2 pin (TW - coolant temp.) sensor on the head, kinda under the dizzy, but closer to the front. should be 200-400 ohms. (I read 295 on mine - book says outside this range, replace sensor).
Then it said to check the red/wht wire from that molex to ground and look for about 5 volts. I'm good there (book says if not, check for short between ECU (C6) and red/wht at sensor, or bad ECU).
Then check for about 5 volts between the red/wht and grn/wht pins at this connector,and I got it (book says if not, check for short between ECU (C12) and grn/wht at connector, or bad ECU). I did end up soldering the wires to the radiator fan, just in case - they were only electrical taped before!
Somehow, I was getting the code 6. after testing everything, it all checks out (motor wasn't actually getting hot, by the way), and since the speedo has been working, no CEL's at all for about the last 42 or so miles!
Skiddy and I are looking forward to a nice cruise to work and back tomorrow. I stole the head unit from my minivan, the "green machine" so Skiddy can have some tunes. Hooked up to the (front only) speakers in the car, and ready to go!
Now I've got to try and find some rear speaker pods and finally install (delete) the passenger mirror with the blank-off I got from Gasolinefumes

The interior blank off dude from Ebay screwed me with the "out of stock" crap. gotta find an interior cover again
-still haven't taken pistures of my "delete" pile from Skiddy