cool! first tank numbers are in for Skiddy!
251.3 miles / 8.362 gallons = 30.05 mpg! not bad considering my junkyard block and 25 year old head are screaming at about 2800rpm to make 60 mph.
Not to mention that without factory cruise, or a trusty hand throttle like I've installed in the Minion, my foot seems wander towards the floor ever so slowly - with the gas pedal still under it!!
looks like I've got my "right now" projects like the hand throttle and mirror delete to keep me hidden in the garage for a little while (GasolineFumes - I've got $30 earmarked for that interior mirror panel, I'll wait to hear from you, piss on that Ebay dude!), my "sometime soon" project - putting VX gears into the 1989 wagovan tranny case (need another set of bearings and seals), and my "long term" project - building and installing a sick turbo motor and sexy, long geared LSD tranny with custom motor and tranny mounts in the car

I'll just start with the hand throttle. Maybe this weekend.
And maybe click around for a deal on another "guido". I'll use mbolton1990's leg work to make that happen with the cable tranny, the wiring can always be upgraded for the tranny-mount vss when that day comes. Here's mbolton1990's thread: