All my fellow ecomodders and wagovaniacs! Thank you so much for your support!
I said in the title that this would be a very slow build, and I feel that I'm right on schedule

. While Skiddy's back on the road ( by the way, nice boring, quiet ride to work today

), and I find and repair other deficiencies in her 25 year old sexiness, I'm bothered by this old Tranny's almost 3000 rpm at 60mph.
I've been thinking, and while the motor (tranny) mounts from the vx won't line up with this body, it really looks like the guts should fit nicely from the vx tranny INTO the old wagovan's tranny case! That would save me the tranny Mount fight for another day, and boost my mileage until then!
I've only torn into my parts motors far enough to make sure I took the right block for this "quick and dirty" fix. I've still got to strip a head down and take it to a machine shop, and the same thing with the block. still have to settle on my crank and rods, and then decide whether it will be David Crower or Bisimoto running my top end. I've always liked Crower cams, but have you seen Bisimoto's 703whp d series wagovan? I'm thinking Bisi right now. ..
I've lost my train of thought, gonna watch YouTube of that Bisi wago. ..
Edit: drooool.
Bisimoto 700whp D16Z 1990 Honda Civic Turbo Wagov…: