Late start at work today! I found time to clean the d15z1 motor a little this morning - wanna see?
This is the stock VX intake manifold. I've run it thru the blast cabinet some and it cleaned up pretty nice. also have the new gaskets for the manifold and the EGR valve, and of course the EGR valve (this will porbably end up in the for sale threads soon)
Here is the VX head, also stock. Chances are this guy will end up for sale as well, without the vtec solenoid:
started cleaning the block itself - the oil pan had hole punched in it and plugged with a little plastic thingie - junkyard S.O.P. ?? it pierced the oil sump as well, but I'm pretty sure I'll need an extended sump for my fatty 5qt oil pan anyway. No harm, no foul
Really only need the block and a few things, but I just went to town with the wire brush and chemicals. knocked a lot of tarnish off the internals too:
Tearing the motor down any further than this would make me just a little uncomfortable - and my "mechanical yoda" is starting to feel a little left out on Skiddy's build right now too
Two years ago, I stopped after getting the Minion's valve cover and accessory belts off, afraid to pull the timing belt - not sure of myself! This time I threw a motor and tranny together when Skiddy died, and surprised my "yoda" by driving over there with my own "frankenstein" of a motor!
This will be a whole lot more involved than a little "frankenstein" that gets slapped together. This will be serious

I'm going to learn about what goes on inside the bottom end like never before, should be one hell of a ride! (that's why I have to have my putt putt motor in Skiddy - this might take a while)