Originally Posted by Cobb
Honda is one of several vehicles that comes with a CAI. They even go to using plastic intake manifolds to help reduce heating of the intake air.
Without the resonator, how are you going to play us the song of your people? 
For now, the Minion is my noisemaker. The 3" exhaust doesn't let me sneak up on anybody, unless I EOC
The stock exhaust is almost a nice thing for now, since Skiddy's not lowered yet and has her stock wheels and old school paint. It's a got very passive, happy demeanor. I love the shoulda-coulda looks I get in traffic with this car - she gets a lot of smiles going down the road
I imagine I won''t start to get the stink-eye like I do in the Minion until I'm scraping cracks in the pavement and making people close their windows in response to my exhaust (like in the Minion) - that's more my style anyway
First thoughts on driving without the passenger mirror -
IT'S A LITTLE SCARY!! As cool and JDM as it does look, and as much (or little) as it may affect the aero on the highway, It's going to take some getting used to

I had to back out of my tiny little garage after deleting the passenger mirror, and quickly realized how much I've come to rely on it over the years. I'll have to put some more miles on without the mirror to get used to it, but it will sure "keep me honest" out there - I'm always good about checking the side of the car AFTER looking in the mirror, now I'm looking around for real....
Notes as far as the swapping of the tranny's guts - I can't find out for sure if the VX guts will fit in the WAGO's tranny case anywhere online. starting to consider buying the "cable/ hydro conversion" tranny mount kit for now and using it as a "template" for my solid boost-ready mounts when that day finally rolls around. At least then I can start driving on this beautifully color matched vx tranny and figure out the cable connection to my hydro tranny.
I've secretly been dying to take that next big challenge on this project anyway, but with the holidays all around money is sure flowing, but not so much toward the build right now, and it's hard to spend too much time in the garage with so much going on all around here..
Consider it safe to say that I'm ready to throw the VX tranny in right now, but my wallet isn't up to the job just yet
I think I saw the tranny mount kit for $150 somehwere, and the bearings/seals kit is about $115. Shouldn't take too long to find the right stuff for the right price. A 10 mpg jump would really make me happy, and the drop in highway prm's should make the motor happy.
Not sure at that point if the '89 starter will fit.. damn. Cross that bridge when I get to it!!
That said, I might just have a recently rebuilt '89 tranny for sale in the near future

Special "modder" pricing available, very low miles