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Old 02-04-2015, 02:31 PM   #208 (permalink)
vrmouseyd15b's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2014
Location: quad cities illinois/iowa border
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skidmark - super snail - '89 honda civic wagon WAGOVAN
Team "Old SKOOL"
90 day: 30.87 mpg (US)

Pituca - '19 Honda Insight Touring
90 day: 39.34 mpg (US)
Thanks: 185
Thanked 178 Times in 139 Posts
Happy wagon Wednesday! I'm finally getting around to posting the pinstripe removal, it's been done since yesterday afternoon. Fellow ecomodder OG VX loaned me his pinstripe removal tool. It's basically an eraser that you can put on a drill:

SoI put it on a drill and went to town! The tool leaves a kind of sticky residue behind - and lots of pencil eraser type rubber bits - so after the heavy lifting with the drill and tool, it needed a little lovin' to get her cleaned back up. Goo Gone worked great.

And the final result looks a lot like this:

I'm really happy with the results, especially since that tool didn't mess up my paint! Thanks again, OG VX! Looks a few years younger (and the goo-gone buffing all around didn't hurt either).

Thanks, and happy Wednesday!

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The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to vrmouseyd15b For This Useful Post:
bluesteel93 (02-04-2015), OG VX (02-05-2015), pgfpro (02-04-2015)