got the throttle control at farm & fleet and the bike cable kit at wallyworld. Got the bike cable kit because the throtttle cable in the kit is RIGID, and won't "give" when I push the throttle manually. Got it at wallyworld because the bike shop hit me for $20 to do the Minion's hand throttle, and I can do 2 with this kit easy for $6.99. Here are both packages:
Im going to use this part of the throttle kit as the main handle and cable sleeve..
This is a second throttle control handle from the kit that I'm going to modify.
Now that it's modified, it's an "anchor point" for the throttle cable that I'll mount closer to the pedal:
This bike brake cable will be the actual throttle cable - I've cut one end and got heat shrink tubing (double) to prevent the cable from fraying where it goes thru the pedal
Here's the gas pedal! I'll still push the pedal down low with my foot ( sometimes

) and the hand throttle will pull on the pedal from the top. see the little hole next to the cable to the throttle body up top?
See it now? I'll run the cable thru here, with the "lead ball" behind the pedal when it's done. Sorry for the weird camera angles - NOT! stick your head under the dash and start with the contortions to get a drill in there...
Next steps are pulling the cable thru the pedal and feeding it into the sleeve & handle assembly. Giggity.
Technical difficulties(photobucket), I'll be back soon