Originally Posted by redpoint5
My wife always says I need to eat more veggies. I then ask her why, and she says because they contain vitamins. I then reply that I take vitamin supplements (which also have not really been shown to aid in health for most people). She basically has no good reason why I should eat veggies. I point out that the cost per calorie is astronomical compared to other foods. How many k calories in a $2 bundle of asparagus; 100 perhaps? I can get a Hungry Man dinner for the same price and it has corn, potatoes, butter, pork ribs and bbq sauce with 850 calories.
Next time she wants you to eat some kale, show her this:
Study: Vegetarians Less Healthy, Lower Quality Of Life Than Meat-Eaters « CBS Atlanta
My personal experience is that when I cut out high carb foods, I started feeling a lot better and the pounds (80 of them) melted away.
However, I've found it very hard to stick to a low-carb diet once I met my wife and have kids. Neither my wife nor my kids tolerate it for themselves, and making meals takes enough time without being a short-order cook. Consequently, I've gained much of the weight back and feel run-down and tired all the time. I suppose part of that could be getting woken up 2-3 times a night dealing with nightmares, wet beds, etc...
I have been trying to cut back on the carbs, and even what little I am cutting out has seemed to help.
I do actually eat lots of veggies when I cut out the high carb foods, but I'm trying to get filled up while losing weight rather than try to gain weight. At 6' 2", 195lbs is my goal weight too. I'm just overshooting it by about 60 now...