Originally Posted by deejaaa
how much weight do you think was added?
when are you taking it out for a test?
apologize for all the Q's but I want to do this also.....
Not a problem about the questions.
Total added weight was somewhere around 10-15lb. Not much. The bed liner is very light weight. It is very strong when you try to bend it against the ridges, but it flaps around easily with the ridges. I'm sure it wasn't much weight. I could have done it myself, held it up and screwed it in, but it was awkward to hold, and why not take the help if available.
Its being tested now, but I don't do short trip tests. I usually do full tank tests, but this time I will be filling early, right before TDIFest. Also, my results are going to not be accurate because I also switched to new rims and tires when I did the pan. When i get and numbers I will let you know.