I thought I had a proper writeup in my thread, but it looks like I don't. The idea is simple though: Under the dash, you'll find a pushbutton switch on both the brake and clutch pedal brackets. You want to wire a button to each of these that allows you to complete the circuit without having to press the brake or clutch with your foot. You can take a piece of speaker wire and simply stuff it into the backside of the switch, or you can use a wire splice to splice into either side.
Here is one of my posts on it:
I eventually moved my buttons from the side of the steering column to the shifter, following Cowmeat's example. Daox can 3d-print you a shifter knob, if you'd like, and it comes with all of the buttons you need preinstalled. Just run a wire from each of them to the clutch button, brake button, and optionally, your kill switch.