Originally Posted by spacemanspif
I need to keep better track of this thread, I just caught up and the whole time you were talking about knock I was thinking "you are pulling in too hot of air" lol.
Cover the grill back up and let the engine ride at 200* like you were before but figure out a spot to pull in cooler air. The engine running hotter is good for MPG and not bad for parts at that temp, just need it to stop causing the intake to pull in such hot air.
Yep, it was near 200*F air Wednesday!
I'm in a Catch 22 here. I need hot air to help with lean burn. I tried lean burning with the CAI (pulling in 66*F air) and the car was freaking out! Lean almost requires hot air. The grill block is need for warm-up and aero benefits, but there is a super fine line between too much and too little on the ZX2. It's either running 185-190*F coolant temps or bouncing between 207-225*F!
The only way around this is to have fully adjustable grill and intake.
I just plugged my knock sensor back in, so we will see how everything works now