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Old 12-02-2015, 01:58 PM   #24 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cd View Post
Thanks for the replies guys.
Let me add to the question : Does a 4WD handle any better than a 2WD in snow ?
For example, when going around corners.

Main concern is safety.
My friend up in Canada is looking at buying an suv - a new Honda CR-V , a Jeep Puberty Liberty , and other smallish suvs.

My question mainly pertains to SUVs.
In very slippery conditions, FWD/4WD can be worse than RWD. Applying power to the front wheels can get them to slide, and sliding tires won't help you turn. Keep your front tires rolling, and you'll have more control. FWD/4WD can help you pull the front end around a corner by applying power in moderately slippery conditions. I'd say it's a wash, but personally prefer RWD in snow.

I think that if you need 4WD or AWD for snow, you shouldn't be driving in snow...

I'll reiterate what everyone else said. Tires are far more important that what wheels are being driven. Get good snow tires (ideally on a spare set of wheels that you can swap out every spring/fall) instead of relying on all-seasons and you'll be able to handle anything you encounter on a road.
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