Thanks for clarifying which wire was which. The power wires were clear enough, but I was reluctant to ground either of the other two to the ground on the power supply, with my limited knowledge of the system. I'll try that when I discharge the battery next.
I had picked up a cheap adjustable PWM generator on eBay, but was unable to get it to work, even with sufficient power to the fan. My Kill-a-watt suggests the fan draws about 90w running full tilt, so you'd want at least a 7.5A PS.
I've found very little in the way of resources to help me with this, so I'm largely going at it blindly and seeing what works. The Insight has hundreds of pages of documentation, while very few seem interested in the HCH. I opened the battery box and just poked around, trying to understand what was going on for quite a while before I touched anything.