I have the 1988-1990 CRX Honda factory manual. Here is a screenshot of the pulley belts. Like the 5th Gen and the 6th Gen, the belts appear to be separate:
I run without my power steering. My 1998 civic is a little heavier than yours. You can do it, easy. I would however experiment by first removing the belt only. You'll get all the MPG gains and still have the whole system if you want to reverse the mod.
If your AC compressor has an electromagnetic switch on the pulley, like the 6th Gen does, then all you really need to do to get virtually all the MPG savings from an AC delete is avoid turning the AC on. The pulley will be freewheeling. The question is whether you have a compressor with the electromagnetic pulley.
Then the alternator. You can pick up a few MPG here. Get a big deep cycle 12 volt battery from Walmart or somewhere... get at least 40 ahr. Then install a switch to turn off your alternator on demand. Charge the battery by plugging in over night and in emergencies by turning on the alternator.
Those reduced loads will cut your fuel use and give you a few (maybe more than a few) MPG.
Change tires with Low Rolling Resistance Micelin Defenders. They cost more but they last twice as long as lots of tires and they will get better FE. Make those tires taller and thinner than stock for the gearing benefits on your freeway commute.
(BTW, if you want this 1990 CRX manual, PM me an email address and I will try to send it to you. It is a big file.)