Originally Posted by CivicMPG
... to get a better understanding of what my car does normally, this tank I am just going to drive "normal" without being conscious of trying to save gas and increase mpg, and see what it would get "normally", and then I can get a better idea of how my personal driving is improving upon it and go from there.
Good idea, though the ongoing stalling indicates a problem that could be depressing your MPG numbers. Gotta get that sorted-out before you can be fully confident that you know what normal performance really is. Also, when you refuel, the best way to ensure relatively accurate numbers is to use the same pump at the same station, fueling the car at the slowest automatic speed and always stopping on the first "click." No topping off. This eliminates pumping variations that can skew your MPG calcs.
Originally Posted by CivicMPG
On a side note from that, the car did die on my going down the road again yesterday after work. I rolled to a stop and it started right back up. it doesn't run rough or have any hicups, it just died. Anyone have any ideas?
This is possibly going to be a PITA to sort out... I would need quite a bit f trouble-shooting time. Maybe there is an open in a wire that intermittently fails. But if it is not setting off a CEL, then it could be something kinda obscure, like a failure in the distributor of some kind. I had an ignition coil problem that took a while to identify... I thought it was the MAP, then the fuel pump, and ultimately it was the coil, but only once the whole engine had gotten good and hot for a 25 minute drive, then the coil would expand in the heat and fail. Felt really good when I finally identified it.
"Test, don't guess." The factory service manual will have trouble shooting flow charts... Good luck!!