Other than improved warm up of the engine, I don't see color improving speed or velocity that would be of measurable or major consequence. Average car is too massive.
As for the Mythbusters RESULTS, here it is:
MythBusters Episode 38: "MythBusters Revisited"
SPINOFF: A black car heats up faster than an identical white car. (From pilot 2)
A fan wrote in and asked a follow up question: "Does the color of a car affect the way it heats up?". The MythBusters used two identical cars, one black the other white and left them both out in the summer heat with thermometers in both. By mid-afternoon the black car had heated up to a temperature of 135 °F while the white car topped off at 126 °F, almost 10 degrees cooler.
and because I think this is always cool to mention:
REVISITED: Running a car with air conditioning on is more fuel efficient than running with the windows down. (From episode 22)
partly confirmed
The fundamental flaw in the MythBusters’ test was that the point where the drag becomes powerful enough to inhibit a car’s performance with windows down was inside their 45 - 55mph margin at 50mph. Going less than 50mph it is more efficient to leave your windows down, but going greater than 50mph it is more efficient to use your A/C.
-- my own test results agreed with this as 45mph showed no major drag but at 50mph it was more apparent.