Originally Posted by jamesqf
Seen any 4-seat Miatas or Lotuses lately?
I hardly see any Miatas or Lot...i(?)!
Originally Posted by Hersbird
It looks like under the 2017 tier 3 emissions standards (which phase in from 2017-2025) they may be needing exhaust particulate filters, and then those will need a regen mode just like on diesels. In the end you end up with no MPG benefit and a huge cost addition.
...and that is why we cannot have nice things...
Originally Posted by LittleBlackDuck
And that is why there is so much smog! All these Insight punters need to let go and realise that saving 20 drops of fuel is not worth killing the atmosphere.
NOx and diesel particulates will cost much more in the longer term than a small amount of extra fuel.
You are blaming mere thousands of people driving cars originally rated Ultra Low Emissions (and still meeting those standards) for a problem caused my hundreds of millions?