Originally Posted by ME_Andy
Fun thread, Xist. Lemme just point out, you're spending ~$50/month in repairs. Throw in gas money and it would almost be worth buying a used Volt.
I actually think that's not the case because a used volt cheap enough to run cheaper than an old civic will possibly be a vehicle close to needing some prsistent and hard to locate repairs. That Volt is a much more complex machine. I also would counsel maybe rebuilding for $400 is possibly far better than another ancient Civic for $2000 but with mystery problems. But that's me... I still drive the 1998 Civic I bought in early 2001 from a dealer. My wife has her car, but this is the only car I have owned these last 16 years.
EDIT: I mean, I know everything wrong/right with this car. Another one would have surprises. And I love the Volt!