Originally Posted by Daox
The reason is sacrifice. You have to sacrificie speed and that makes you late (cause you can't leave 1-2 minutes earlier). For some reason they think they need to go that fast and that it gets them there lightyears ahead of you.
Once I got used to getting out of the left lane (usually into the rightmost or next-to-rightmost lane), it isn't so bad. It isn't as if people are pointing and laughing--any more than I was when I was in the left lane.
What I've seen lately is that EVERYBODY has slowed down significantly. The 91 freeway, where traffic normally moved 75+ in all three lanes, has slowed to 65 in the right 1-2 lanes, and 70 tops in the left lane. There are still a few crazies that have to wind back and forth to keep going 90 (in trucks typically--what's with that?), but for the most part, when I'm going 62-65, I'm going about the same speed as everyone else, whereas a year ago I'd be lapped by everyone else.