Originally Posted by Xist
Tonight the highway patrol pulled me over for having a cracked windshield and the officer acted fine with the digital version, but as I closed all of my apps and unfortunately did not think to turn on airplane mode, I just did not feel handing law enforcement my unlocked phone was the best idea.
My roommate says that if the police went through my phone it would be illegal search and seizure and he absolutely would sue them over it.
I will be printing off insurance cards tomorrow.
I would not listen to your roommate here. Police cannot look through your phone, even if it is seized, without a warrant... but you are freely handing over an unlocked phone that they have to look at to see your insurance information. This can easily be interpreted as consenting to a search, and if you consent to a search it is completely legal for them to look through it.
To answer your original question, yes I have paper copies of my insurance info in each of my cars. I would never just hand over a smart phone.