Originally Posted by roosterk0031
Disagree on not being about to shoot a curve bullet. Say instead of swinging a gun, lets just change it to shooting straight out the out the window of a car traveling 60 mph (88 ft/second). Say the bullet is going 1000 fps, In 1 second the bullet will travel 1000 ft(333.3 yards) away, and travel 88 ft in the direction the car is traveling so, you could shoot something obstructed by a building closer to you.
That is not curving a bullet, as it still travels in a straight (diagonal) path from the point at which it leaves the barrel. Firing from a moving vehicle will not allow a bullet to curve around an obstruction.
Curved paths are an indication of continued acceleration by some force. A baseball curves towards the ground due to the continued acceleration of gravity towards the earth.
You would need to utilize the
magnus effect, or other aerodynamic property to curve a projectile around an obstacle.