Originally Posted by California98Civic
Cool report. Love this car. Been looking for them online for sale sometimes. Though I would be more partial to a 2012 Sonic, NA with the 6 speed manual, this is a great looking Honda. Nice number in it. You hypermile dedicatedly, yes?
Cool! Would be interesting to have some same-car competition! If you find one and are going to jump on it, hit me up. I can tell you what to look for, and what goes wrong.
I do hypermile dedicatedly. I am in hypermile mode for basically all of my driving. So I don't simply look for situations where I could easily hypermile, and then
chicken out all other times. I'm driving 55-60 mph on the highway(which is the speed limit for a good chunk of it. Try telling that to other drivers though), and the speed limit everywhere else. I do a considerable amount of 'normalizing' on my highway drives that keeps me from getting higher MPGs. Ideally I would be doing 50-62 MPH engine on pulse and glide, but that would make lots of people freak out. So I generally accelerate to 60, coast down to 55, do mini pulses sometimes 55-60, and often just settle in 6th gear at 55 at less than ideal engine loads. Other normalizing would be accelerating or waiting longer to let off the gas so I don't "hold up" people when approaching red lights. I don't give up on hypermiling all together in those situations, but it is definitely not ideal for mileage. I still don't engine off coast if you are wondering, haven't put any effort into figuring out an injector kill switch recently, but that will be the next big step.
So no, i'm not another jacobAziza, the guy with the aeromodded orange pickup who EOCs and does P&G on the highway down to 45 mph. I have my limits. In the ultra rare occasion that the highway is completely empty, I have coasted down to 20 mph and then accelerated back up from there. Even if I don't have anyone directly behind me in my lane, I get paranoid and normalize. It has to be EMPTY for me to go into true hypermiling mode.