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Old 11-12-2018, 06:35 PM   #215 (permalink)
Batman Junior
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: 1000 Islands, Ontario, Canada
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Blackfly - '98 Geo Metro
Team Metro
Last 3: 70.09 mpg (US)

MPGiata - '90 Mazda Miata
90 day: 54.46 mpg (US)

Appliance car Mirage - '14 Mitsubishi Mirage ES (base)
90 day: 51.82 mpg (US)
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Metro back on duty - with ANOTHER problem fixed

I pulled the Metro out of storage yesterday. It started right up... the first time.

Then, SNAFU: no more start. No click, no whir, no crank.

I checked the battery voltage (low after sitting, so I put it on the charger). Checked the terminals, and while not pristine, they were OK. I cleaned & re-tightened them anyway.

Still nada.

So I pulled the starter off & immediately found the problem... the flexible braided wire going from the solenoid to the starter motor was badly corroded and falling apart:

The wire even had evidence of high resistance -- blobs of metal on the ends of some broken strands!

This had obviously been in poor shape ever since I got the car, and it had been affecting starter performance from day 1: there was often a very slight but noticeable delay between turning the key and the starter activating. And now we know why!

A call to Crappy Tire revealed a new/remanufactured starter here in frozen Canuckistan is $180 taxes in, thus I was motivated to attempt a fix.

I pulled the end cap off the motor, cut the corroded wire back to good metal, and soldered this extension wire on it:

(No way was I going to be able to reproduce a 2" wire with the connector in exactly the right spot, so I went overboard. An extra long loop so as not to stress the solder job.

And now it works like a charm! It has never sprung to life so convincingly in the 2 years I've had the car.
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version

Name:	car-starter-motor-major-components.jpg
Views:	321
Size:	51.4 KB
ID:	25110   Click image for larger version

Name:	starter-fix.jpg
Views:	313
Size:	54.9 KB
ID:	25111  
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Xist (11-12-2018)