Originally Posted by Natalya
Shoveling snow is great exercise. The Japanese even developed a science around it. (Just scroll down and look at the pictures.)
Unfortunately, although incredibly important to your health, exercise does NOT make you lose weight! That is a total myth.
Science in Europe and the USA has determined that the #1 problem regarding is added sugar, in any of its forms. The absolute best way to lose weight is to consume less sugar. Sugar can exacerbate hypertension and causes inflammation. The body prefers to convert it straight into fat as opposed to metabolizing it.
Reduce your daily caloric intake by reducing the amount of added sugar you consume in order to lose weight. There's no real other way. Also you can NOT replace the added sugar with artificial sweeteners. This will change the composition if the bacteria in your stomach and make it more efficient at extracting sugar from OTHER foods. Artificial sweeteners such as Splenda or Sweet-n-Low CONTRIBUTE to obesity and weight gain because of this effect. Zero calorie diet sodas are therefore out of the picture as well.
I don't have a good ability to like resist sugary foods made available to me, I will eat them, but I am able to purposefully NOT buy them. I no longer buy cookies or ice cream or sugary drinks or candies, and when I go out to eat 95% of the time I ask for water which also saves me money.
While most of this reflects what I've read as well, my brother dropped from 220 to 140lbs over the course of a year by removing most added sugars from his diet and replacing them in his coffee with Equal, with the addition of loosely counting calories. Artificial sweeteners seem to be working fine at least for him.