Originally Posted by mpg_numbers_guy
"I'm going to start cutting climate control wires" --isn't there a diagram for it so you can know for sure? Or maybe put in a different resistor into the outside temperature sensor to always read below freezing?
I have the diagrams, and there are several very promising candidates but they have arcane names like HTRS, FANC, RLYCTRL, ENGRDY, AC ON and SG2. I did some testing a few years back and found that if I unplugged the wires from the climate control module, I didn't get auto-stop anymore. This suggests to me that there's a signal it sends to the ECU that says basically "ready for auto-stop", and if I cut that one I won't get any more auto-stop under any circumstances. My bet is on it being "ENGRDY".
A resistor would definitely work and would be the easiest way. When I set the CC to, let's say, 72 degrees, it won't actually be 72 anymore and will vary relative to the actual outside temperature, but that's not so bad. Maybe I'll just do that.
Originally Posted by mpg_numbers_guy
I'm half tempted to think mine is malfunctioning - in a good way lol. Lean burn doesn't go away until mid-upper 20s F.
I get lean burn when it's subzero outside.
The only factor that absolutely stops it seems to be that the engine is warmed up.