It has been my experience over the last 1,600 miles or so, that the more neutral coasting I do, the better my mileage has been. I think this breaks down into two factors:
1. Injector cut-off happens at higher-RPM, foot-off-gas slowing, but only to a point. (I can coast down from high RPM to low RPM, and at around 2,500 RPMs, I start to hear a little burble from my loud exhaust, indicating that at least some fuel is starting to be reintroduced.)
2. There are areas where neutral allows longer coasting. For instance, going through my downtown, if I keep it in gear (even 5th), there's just enough drag that I have to give it a bit of gas at all times to keep moving at speed. However, when I throw it in neutral, I can coast the entire 1.5-2 miles without my speed wavering between 24 and 28 (slightly hilly area). This happens at many places in town--I can pulse to 30, and then glide down to 25, sometimes over the course of several miles. Yes, key-off would be more efficient, but neutral can be more efficient than occasional acceleration in the same area.