My house is on a hill, and there is enough room in the unfinished basement to stand up. Currently, the washer is redirected down a pipe along the interior basement wall and then out into one of the flower beds in front of the house.
I'm still thinking about what else I can do with that water. I'd like to filter it into a cistern (to remove lint and such), and then pump it out to water the other flower beds.
I don't think I want to mess with any other plumbing, but if I were still single, I'd run the shower into a bucket while waiting for the water to warm up (which takes a long time; but pipe insulation is yet another project), and then dump the bucket to flush.
We run on a septic tank, so technically all of my water is recycled anyway, but I feel that the washer is just a bit too much for the septic tank to handle.